Sunday, January 20, 2008


I started out my day long journey to Barcelona with a 5:30 cab ride to Heathrow and ended it with a kind Catalan gentleman telling me "Tienes que volver." "you have to come back." A trade show and a meeting with one of the founders of my favorite Basque line Loreak Mendian planted me in Barcelona for the day.

The MapThe StoreI managed to break free of my meetings and the trade show by 16:30 which left me just enough time to figure out the metro and manage to get lost somewhere in the vicinity of the Loreak Mendian store. I kept showing the locals the snap shot of the map I had on my blackberry, and every time without fail I received a "dalle" and then was told that they thought it was that way. ps: Barcelonans are the nicest people to ask for directions in the world. I think my Spanish might have taken them a little off guard by being a little too formal and a little too casual. Think of someone starting a conversation off with a "Excuse me sir" and then ending it with a "Thanks Bro you're the man." I even received a few kind pats on the back. After an hour of being lost I feared the only thing worse than the defeat of not finding the shop, which would be missing my flight, thus I hailed a cab to the airport.

Tip Top TapasMy only expectations after finishing up my meetings was to go and buy shirt from the Loreak Mendian store and enjoy some genuine tapas. What I settled for was getting lost for an hour and over priced tapas from a place called Tip Top Tapas at the Barcelona airport.